Brilliant failures

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Failure, it happens to everyone, everyday. Sometimes with little consequences, sometimes with world changing outcomes. Yet it is difficult to accept that something goes wrong. This may be due to the fact we feel often ashamed about it, or perhaps how your social environment reacts to it. As an entrepreneur and manager, often a lot depends on decisions. If you choose a route that seems to be successful, you will be honoured, but if you unexpectedly go bankrupt in the search for the right business model, it often means the end of your prosperous career.

Actually, that is the world upside down, don’t you think? Because of the lessons you have learned and the experience that you have gained, you will probably be better prepared for the next challenge because you’ve learned from your mistakes. It is not without reason that former IBM CEO, Thomas Watson, once wrote: "The way to succeed is to double your failure rate”. Well-known entrepreneurs such as Tommy Hilfiger, Steve Jobs, Elon Musk, Marlies Dekkers have chosen this path before and athletes like Sven Kramer are no different. If you want to aim for the stars you’ll have to make sure that you are prepared.

As a young entrepreneur, Bernd has experienced this cyclus completely. From starting a business, selling his first venture, to the bankruptcy of Pelliano where he was co-founder. He searched for the real causes, worked intensely with a personal coach to reflect and came back stronger.  

During this session he also shares personal experiences, highlights international examples and starts a discussion about how you can get strength from your own failures and how to convert this into enduring success.

Do you want to know more about what Bernd learned from his own failures? Have a look an these interviews: Business Insider, Sprout & BNR.

Remember your dreams and fight for them. You must know what you want from life. There is just one thing that makes your dream become impossible: the fear of failure
— Paulo Coelho